Call for Papers : Volume 12, Issue 3 - March, 2024. Last Date of Submission : 28 March 2024. Send your articles to 
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International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences (IRJGES) is an open-access journal publishing full-length of research papers and review-(survey) articles covering all subject that fall under the wide variety of Engineering and , Science. The journal is devoted towards broadcasting of knowledge related to the Engineering, Science and Management  and contemporary research ideas in the scientific world.
Journal Name

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Editor In Chief   

Nature Of Publication   
Publishing Frequency   
First Year Published  
Email ID                         
Contact Number
Impact Factor
- International Research Journal in 
  Global Engineering  and Sciences
- 2456-172X
- Dr. M. Rajaram Narayanan, Chief Editor & Advocate
  Supreme Court of India.
- Online
- Quarterly (4 issues per year)
- Pranavam Trust / Pranavam Publications
- Chennai, India
April' 2016
- +91-97909 11374
- 5.195 (Cosmos Impact Factor - Germany)
IRJGES  is an Open-Access, peer reviewed International Journal We have an erdudite academic journal reviewer's team from various universities, colleges private or government sector, and Highly reputed company. It covers the complete range of quality & effective research papers.

You can download any article from the website for free of cost Simple steps for publication of research articles and review articles IRJGES  is Open access journal for high indexing and promotion of your published papers. For any query email us on : IRJGES is published as a quarterly journal with four issues per year.

The Journals is registered with National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi having ISSN registration number

Human biology
Life science
Formal sciences
Formal systems
Computer science
Information theory
Systems theory
Decision theory
Theoretical linguistics
Applied sciences
Applied mathematics
Applied physics
Medicine & Nursing
Computer science
Earth science
Space Science or Astronomy
All Engineering Areas


All Forms of Sciences
Business Administration
International relations
Political science
Social sciences
Physical science
Impact factor of IRJGES

Impact Factor = 5.195

Direct Link to Check Impact Factor

Impact factor of IRJGES - Evaluation Sheet by Cosmos Impact Factor (Germany)

Cosmos Impact Factor (Germany) Evaluation Sheet

Open Access Statement

International Journal of Current Research is loyal to open access for academic work. All the original articles and review papers published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge any fees for any reader to download articles and reviews for their own scholarly use.

The International Journal of Current Research also operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-NC-ND. This allows for the reproduction of articles, free of charge, for non-commercial use only and with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with the IRJGES accept these as the terms of publication.

Creative Commons License.
IRJGES accepts the electronic forms research articles, short communication works and it is a peer reviewed journal is one in which each feature article has been examined by people with credentials in the article's field of study before it is published. Collections of papers from conferences may be considered peer reviewed as well, if the original presentations were "invited" or examined by experts before being accepted. Papers which appear in sources like these are considered to be as reliable as humanly possible. In "double blind" peer review, neither the author nor the reviewers know each others' identities. Not all peer review is double blind. As well, the literature of any profession may include journals written both for practitioners and for theorists.

After initial evaluation, the manuscripts are sent to referees which are determined editor and/or editorial board. If necessary, the number of referees can be increased by editor or Editorial Board. The referees are chosen from referee board according to their expertise. Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript's originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, and appropriate referencing of previous relevant studies. Referees might accept the manuscript, reject the manuscript or might require a revision for style and/or content.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy
International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences (IRJGES) regards plagiarism as a very serious offence. It is an illegal form of copying.
Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of the work of others as if this were your own original work.

Examples of plagiarism:
Copying and pasting from the Internet and utilizing somewhere else without any proper citation
Exhibiting your name on another person's article
Copying exactly from another person's text
Utilizing another person's photo, diagram, tables  or ideas without any proper citation
Presenting research in your own words without providing appropriate references
Using another person's text and using it as your own
Presenting ideas in the same format and order as your research source

By submitting paper for publication to the journal, Author(s) certify that :
I/We are fully aware that plagiarism is wrong
I/We know that plagiarism is the use of another person's idea or published work and to pretend that it is one's own.
I/ We declare that each contribution to your project from the work(s) of other peoples published works or unpublished sources have been acknowledged and source of information have been referenced.
I/We certify that you are solely responsible for any incomplete reference that may remain in my/our work.
Anti-plagiarism declaration:

I have read and understood the IRJGES rules on plagiarism. I hereby declare that this piece of written work is the result of my own independent scholarly work, and that in all cases material from the work of others (in books, articles, essays, dissertations, and on the internet) is acknowledged, and quotations and paraphrases are clearly indicated. No material other than that listed has been used. This written work has not previously or not yet been published.
ISSN : 2456-172X | Cosmos Impact Factor (Germany) : 5.195
International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences (IRJGES)